Have you been doing everything “right” without positive results?

Has your health changed after an injury, dental work, surgery?

Do you still have lingering health issues despite treatment?

Mudpacking is your key to better health!

Mudpacking is a powerful healing modality dating back to ancient times.  It involves the topical  application of highly-mineralized and absorbent mud combined with an ionic aloe mineral serum.  This application serves two primary purposes:  


Mudpacking assists the body’s own detoxification pathways by clearing accumulated bio-toxins through the skin.  These bio-toxins build up over time in areas of scarring or past trauma and create what are called “Interferences”. These interferences block the essential flow of nutrients into and waste products out of vital organs, glands, or other parts of the body, setting the stage for declining health. 

Interferences are extremely common and are frequently the root cause of many ongoing health problems.  They can occur from many sources such as scars, surgeries, accidents, broken bones, dental work, tattoos, concussions, infections, or even nutritional deficiencies.  

Improved energy

Energy flows through and around the body in what is called the Biofield.  If this energy flow is interrupted, weekend, or unbalanced, it can result in poor healing, pain, inflammation, and symptoms of illness.  Mudpacking quickly and effectively corrects these energy disruptions and restores proper energy flow to the biofield.

Many other benefits

Greater Sense of Well-Being
Reduced Pain & Inflammation
Mental Clarity
Strengthened Immunity
Better Digestion
Enhanced Soft Tissue Healing


Now Available!  Our Terra Pure External Detox Kit allows you to experience the supreme detox and cleansing effects of topical mudpacks in the comfort of your own home.  

Check out our Blog section for FAQs and more information on Mudpacking and the Biofield.

Now Available!  Our Terra Pure External Detox Kit allows you to experience the supreme detox and cleansing effects of topical mudpacks in the comfort of your own home.