Health assessment

The body is innately intelligent and has an amazing healing capacity
when given the right support.

We focus on uncovering the root causes of your health concerns.  These root causes are often hidden or overlooked.   Once uncovered and addressed, the body can move toward balance and restoration.  

During your visit, a customized natural wellness program will be created.  Each program is designed to cleanse, nourish, and equip your body to heal itself and regain lost vitality.  Adherence to the program is key to getting you back to a vibrant, symptom-free lifestyle. 

Your customized wellness program may include:

- Muscle Response Testing
- Organic Whole Food & Herbal Supplements
- Homeopathics
- Nutritional Counseling
- Healthy Lifestyle Coaching
- Bach Flowers
- Aromatherapy
- EMF Protection Devices
- Mudpacking

You have one life, live it WELL!