Gretchen Hahn
Founder of AFRESH Wellness

Board Certified Doctor of Holistic Health (BCDHH)
Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP)
Registered Pharmacist (RPh)

Gretchen Hahn Founder of AFRESH WellnessBoard Certified Doctor of Holistic Health (BCDHH) Certified Natural Health Professional (CNHP) Registered Pharmacist (RPh)
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My name is Gretchen Hahn and my years as a pharmacist opened my eyes to two things. One, the purpose of medication is not to regain one’s health, and second, that one medication inevitably led to the taking of more with a steady decline in overall health. The healthcare system was not making people well. I felt there must be a better way.

I found this “better way” after coming face to face with traditional medicine’s shortcomings. My first child had an exhausting list of health problems including constant illnesses, life-threatening allergies, asthma, and night terrors. The future of her health was at stake, and traditional medicine was failing her. I dove into the world of nutrition and natural healing. Hope was restored and her health made a steady comeback.

I know now that God was preparing me for an even greater trial. My 13-year-old son, Oren, was diagnosed with leukemia (AML) in 2018. His condition was advanced and he left us to be with the Lord after fighting bravely for 9 months. This experience confirmed for me that you must be your own health advocate.

Natural wellness became my passion. I completed my Natural Health Professional Certification (CNHP) in 2018 then went on to become a Board Certified Doctor of Holistic Health in 2020. My desire is to educate and equip others to live the healthiest life they can for as long as they can WITHOUT reliance on mainstream medicine.

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I’m originally from the Altoona area of central PA, but now live and practice outside King of Prussia, PA.  I love spending time with my husband and three beautiful daughters.  Day tripping, upcycling, puzzling, and watching movies and K-dramas are some of my favorite pastimes.  I’m also a foodie with an almost addiction to my daughter’s cookies.  I live with joy and gratitude for each day that God has given me and look at struggles as opportunities to learn. 

God is the ultimate source of hope, healing, health, and happiness.