Biofield: The X-Factor To Better Health


Written by Gretchen Hahn

We are quite familiar with health being a product of how well we take proper physical care of our bodies.  We focus on regular exercise, eating well-balanced nutritious meals, and attempt to get the sleep and down-time our bodies so desperately need.  This is all well-and-good and is essential to maintain health and vitality, but we must not overlook an unseen factor to optimal health – one’s Biofield.

What is a Biofield? 


In 1992, it was the Office of Alternative Medicine at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH), that first used the term “biofield” as a way to describe this field of subtle (invisible) energy that surrounds and permeates the body.  It’s further been described as the “language of life” communicating information throughout our entire being even at a quantum level. Information that’s vital for life, health and healing.

Natural Practitioners Lead the Way

Conventional medicine hasn’t embraced the reality or importance of this biofield as of yet, but does acknowledge the electrical nature of the body. For example, the electrical nature of the heart and the brain are monitored using electrocardiograms (ECG) and electroencephalograms (EEGs), respectively. 

It’s more the holistic, natural health practitioners that are embracing the body’s energy pathways and biofield as important aspects to achieving optimal health. You may already be familiar with chiropractic, acupuncture, acupressure, or homeopathy. These are a few examples of therapies that aim to rebalance and open energy pathways to enable the body to heal itself.

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Unseen Damage Can Lead To Very Real Symptoms

Imbalances and interferences to the biofield are an inevitable and unavoidable part of living life. They happen as a result of bodily trauma such as concussions, broken bones, dental work, scars, you name it. These interferences may be very old and no longer painful, yet they act like dents to the biofield disrupting vital energy flow which can result in poor healing, pain, inflammation, and symptoms of illness.

Wondering if your biofield is contributing to your pain or unresolved health issues? It’s worth taking the time to have your biofield evaluated.

Call and schedule your evaluation today


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