Can You Answer YES to Any of These 6 Questions? If So, You Need Mudpacking

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Written by Gretchen Hahn

1.       Do you find yourself questioning your doctor as to why your symptoms aren’t resolving despite treatment?

2.       Have you been frustrated by chiropractic care that just won’t hold?

3.       Have you had an injury that left you with a scar?

4.       Have you received a concussion which left you just not feeling “right”?

5.       Have you had surgery, dental work, or gotten a tattoo?

6.       Are you eating well, exercising, and even detoxing, but not attaining the health you’re looking for?

Answering yes to even one of these questions, indicates that mudpacking could be the missing piece to your health puzzle.

 Benefits of Mud Go WAY Back.

Using mud therapeutically is not new.  It goes back to ancient times and has been used in cultures around the globe.  Cleopatra is well known for enjoying the beauty and health benefits of black mud from the Dead Sea. And Jesus used mud to perform a miracle of giving sight to a blind man. (John 9) Mud is still used for cleansing impurities through the skin, enhancing circulation, relieving inflammation, and boosting one’s immunity.  But the benefits of mudpacking go beyond these uses.

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Mudpacking improves both your physical health and the health of your biofield. (See Previous post “Biofield:  The X-Factor To Better Health” for more info) Mudpacking is a precise application of highly nutritive and absorbent mud in order to draw out toxins and detoxify the body. It quickly restores the body’s proper energy flow and corrects energy disruptions, or “interference fields” within the biofield.

Interference Fields Are Often the Root Cause of Ongoing Health Issues.


Interference fields commonly occur as a result of trauma or injury.  And though an injury may be very old and appear to be healed, the disruption that was created acts like a “dent” to your biofield, disrupting vital energy flow. This can result in poor healing, pain, inflammation, and symptoms of illness.  And even can end up altering the normal function of organs, glands, and energy pathways. Mudpacking restores the body’s natural flow of energy, repairs these “dents,” and allows the body to quickly begin its healing process. 

Is This Just Ordinary Mud?  How Does It Fix Interferences?

First, we combine two items for the best therapeutic effect.  One is a highly mineralized mud containing added sea vegetation and botanicals. The other is a serum of red algae and green tea blended with an ionic mineral concentrate from Utah's Great Salt Lake. The mudpacks work by delivering nutrients through the skin while pulling toxins out that may be disrupting electrical flow. This reestablishes new bioenergetic pathways allowing nutrients and energy to flow properly.




Biofield: The X-Factor To Better Health