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Written by Gretchen Hahn

So you’ve come to the conclusion that mudpacking could help you.  Maybe you’ve been in a car accident, had a concussion, have scars from past injuries, had a C-section during delivery, had wisdom or other teeth removed…… The list goes on and on.  Mudpacking can be a benefit to EVERYONE. We don’t live life in a protective bubble.  Things happen.  But by using the power of mud, you can reduce or even remove the negative impact that these injuries have on your bioenergetic balance. The result is abatement of symptoms and improved health and vitality.  (See previous mudpacking blog from 3/10/21 for more info.)

Answers to Some of the Most Common Questions About Mudpacking.

Is this a beauty treatment?

NO.  Mudpacking applies a highly mineralized mud on key interference areas in order to remove energetic disruptions in the body.  It removes toxins, opens restricted energy pathways, and restores coherence and resonance to the body’s energy field.  Please note, mudpacking does not diagnose, treat, nor cure diseases.

What should I wear for mudpacking?

Definitely not your Sunday best as we are working with mud, which could potentially stain.  Wear comfy clothes that would not restrict movement.  Loose clothing is best.  Running shorts, yoga pants, or leggings with a t-shirt or oversized sweatshirt work well.  

What will the first session be like?


Most commonly, the initial session will include mudpacking of the hands and feet.  The mud will be applied with periods of rest in between.  You may be given juices, vitamins, or minerals during the session as appropriate.  The session will end with a cleansing salt foot soak   This may also be done at home if you would prefer.  Please allow approximately 2 hours for this initial session.

Will I need more than one session? 

We do our best to eliminate and strengthen the interference area with one application of mud, and this is what we often see.  However, each person is unique and additional sessions may be required depending on the energetic needs of your body.  There may be more than one interferences that are reflexing to a particular area of the body causing weakness and symptoms.  If this is the case, symptoms will improve, but not totally resolve until all interferences are found and mudpacked.  


Will there be mud placed all over my body?

This is not a muddy process.  Only small, palm-sized amounts of mineral mud will be placed on specific sites on your body to facilitate healing. 

Will I feel the energetic shifts immediately?

  Each individual will experience this differently.  You may feel warmth, pulsing sensations, or nothing at all.  You may even feel tired or more energized during the session.  The energetic shifts and rebalancing will take place beyond our session together as the body continues its processing of the changes.  

If you have a question that was not covered here, feel free to email us at info@afreshwellnesspa.com or give us a call.


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Can You Answer YES to Any of These 6 Questions? If So, You Need Mudpacking