Backyard Health:  The Power of Purslane

Written by Gretchen Hahn 08/07/2023

Nature never falls short when it comes to providing us with healthful and healing herbs.  One often overlooked superfood can be found in your own backyard.  Meet Purslane, otherwise known as wild portulaca or hogweed. This is a humble underappreciated plant that often gets pulled and eradicated from the garden as a common weed,  But this small, tasty plant packs a powerful nutritional punch. For centuries, this herb has been used in traditional medicine for its myriad of health benefits.  Let’s explore some of its amazing health benefits and I’ll share some creative and delicious ways to incorporate it into your daily diet.

Health benefits of Purslane

#1 Rich in Essential Nutrients:  Purslane is a treasure trove of essential vitamins and minerals.  It is particularly high in vitamin A.  Just 100g provides 44% of RDA!  But also contains significant amounts of vitamin C, along with B-Complex vitamins and several minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron.

#2 Omega-3 Fatty Acids:  Purslane is one of the few plants that offers a SIGNIFICANT source of Omega-3s.  It has more omega-3s than any other plant and even more than some fish oils! These fatty acids play a crucial role in heart health, brain function, and reducing inflammation.

#3 Antioxidant Powerhouse:  Purslane helps combat oxidative stress with antioxidants such as beta-carotene and other flavonoids.  This supports your body in combating chronic disease, inflammatory processes, and aging.

#4 Supports Gut Health:  Purslane is a natural source of soluble fiber which aids digestion and supports a healthy gut microbiome.  A healthy gut is key for immune health and overall well-being.

#5  Heart Health:  The combination of Omega - 3 fatty acids, potassium, and magnesium in purslane contributes to cardiovascular health by reducing blood pressure and improving circulation


Ways to use Purslane

Salads & Smoothies:  With a taste similar to watercress or spinach it’s great to use the fresh, young purslane leaves in salads or add a handful to your favorite smoothie for an additional nutrition boost.  Its mild taste combines well with other salad fixings and won’t overpower other flavors in your smoothie.  

Sautés & Stir-Fries:  Toss purslane in with other vegetables or sauté by itself with some garlic and olive oil for a nutritious and easy side dish.

Soups & Stews:  Enhance the nutritional profile by adding some purslane toward the end of cooking.  It adds a pleasant crunch and a hint of lemon flavor.

You can get creative with purslane too by using it in pesto’s or even pickling it with some vinegar and spices.  One of my favorite ways to enjoy it is straight from the yard.  Just pinch off a small handful and eat on the go. 

Purslane may not be as popular as other superfoods, but its health benefits and versatility make it an excellent addition to your daily diet.  Head out to your backyard or look for it on your next walk to discover a little known nutritional powerhouse and unleash its potential for a healthier you!


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